
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

I LOVE customer photos!! =D

Only wish I had more to post! If you'd like to be included in the customer photo blog post, send me a pic of you wearing your PPD jewelry or leave a customer appreciation photo with your feedback! ;)

Monday, March 1, 2010

New feature!!

Check out my Lightning Bolt Dangle Earrings featured in this Youtube video! =D


This is awfully exciting, it's definitely a first for me!

And a reason for celebration - finally hit 300 sales!!! That is SUCH a big deal for me and I feel so very blessed!

Thanks to all my customers and returning customers, and to all of you who have featured me be it in a blog, article, or video!


Thursday, February 18, 2010

Feature to Date

So far (as far as I can find and have been notified) PPD has been featured in these fine places:


















If you are going to do a feature on my shop please let me know, I'd love to credit you and see your feature!! =D

Friday, January 22, 2010

Progress and News

Well well, finally done with all the orders that were backed up from my vacation! All have been shipped and are on their way to their new homes. =] Now I just have to focus on making the other 42 billion new products that I have in mind! I've already got one that is almost complete, I just have to purchase some new chain tomorrow and I can get it listed! It's a new necklace inspired by one of my favorite movies and one of my favorite ladies, my Angie! =D Also in the process of making a bracelet of essentially the same theme at her prompting.
Very excited about a new and blossoming friendship from which has stemmed much needed encouragement! With the inspiration and encouragement of a friend of mine I have come out of my shell a tad and am finally offering some of my photography to the world! And she is as well, you should check out her shop here: UIEgeek.etsy.com ;) You'd probably swear we're twins when it comes to art! 'Cept she's a little more photographically inclined. ^^
So many new items to come, so excited at how this year is turning out, so many wonderful things to look ahead to!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Small Update

Finally home after a loooong (And wonderful!) trip to California! In the process of getting orders together and shipping them out, will be done with that by Thursday for certain, more than likely Wednesday. As I said before many, many, MANY new ideas swirling around in my head driving me absolutely bonkers since I haven't had any time to sit down and make them. I have two completed for tomorrow, will be taking photos some time early in the day and posting the new items. Picked up a bunch of headpins today so that I can make better quality products. With the headpins there's no risk of any of the small pieces falling off and having to be glued back (this is a slight problem with eye pins) so I am keeping my customers in mind and constantly improving! ;) I also switched to lobster clasp closures some time ago since they're a bit simpler and less likely to break. I've bought a variety of chains lately to try out new and different things, and even bought a spiffalicious fleur-de-lis wax stamper while I was up in Napa Valley! Perfect for closing my thank you notes and making them a little more special. XD I've also put an old feud to rest and am happy to note that I have a new friend and ally. ;) Putting that old argument to bed has certainly taken a lot of anxiety out of my life and freed me up to be a little more creative without all the worry! I knew this new year would bring many good things! =D So excited to see what's next!


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

More About the Seller

Now that you know where I was born and raised, I suppose I should add a little more detail. I picked up my first lump of Play-Doh when I was just a wee tot, and it was love at first sight! =p If I remember correctly my first Play-Doh playset was Sesame Street themed, who doesn't love Big Bird, Elmo and the gang, right? I started writing poetry when I was about 8 years old, won my first poetry contest when I was just 9, and have been featured here and there since. Poetry is not my main focus at the moment as you can see, but it will always hold a special place in my heart being the bookworm that I am. I have an unbridled passion for words and literature as well as painting and sculpture. I took my first "art" class when I was 11 and continued on to take 8 more in high school and 1 more in my short lived 1-semester college career, lol. I also studied religion and psychology, but that's besides the point. (Although the human mind is probably one of my favorite subjects) I do plan to eventually study to become an Art Psychologist, but in the mean time I am Mommy/Wife/Crafter Extraordinaire! >.< I've studied many different aspects of art from classic stuff like painting in acrylics, oil, and watercolors, to more interesting and unconventional forms of are like 3-D sculpture and design and commercial design as well. Photography is another genre I take very strong interest in. I love all forms of art, lately I'm just more focused on my jewelry business. As you know it started out very small as just a tiny soda pop top thing, even opening my first Etsy shop was really more of a hobby. But it's really turned into something I truly love to do and I am so amazed and excited that I've done so well so far! My main focus is just to continue improving upon my original ideas to bring better quality and aesthetics to my customers. But as I've stated a few times before, I am first and foremost a Mommy and Wife! My husband and I have a beautiful, healthy, intelligent 15 month old baby boy - not to mention our Siberian Husky - to care for, so I like to think I have 4 full time jobs! Wife, Mommy, Dog Owner, and Business Woman. ;) My husband is amazingly supportive, he even helps when I'm overwhelmed. (like around Christmas time!) But I guess that's what you get when you've got your soul mate! We met when we were freshmen in high school and began dating that same year, and here we are 7 years later happily married and the proud parents of the most handsome little guy! My love is a Yeoman in the United States Coast Guard currently in school studying video game arts and design, he'll be making our favorite games some day! So of course he's supportive of what I do, and he's always there to help me come up with new ideas and to work out the kinks in the ones I already have. All my products are run by him before they ever even make it into my shop, and he's a tough critic, so rest assured! ^.~ So from tiny art-loving tot, to full fledged art geek adult, here I am and here I'll be for years to come if I have my way! XD

Post Numero Dos

Now that Im on my way to figuring this out, I suppose I'll post one last blog for the night - er morning- and then I'll hit the hay!
Just want to get it out there that although I am visiting family on vacation and am not able to physically work on new ideas, I am definitely still getting new ideas every day and writing them down and logging them away on scrap pieces of paper and napkins and such. =p
I've got the beginnings of about 20 new products lying around here, even if only in words, and a handful of them already in the works at home. I'll be finishing those up and listing them as soon as I return home, after I ship out my current orders, of course! ;)
All I'll say about the new stuff is look forward to many more adventures in Nintendo Land as well as many more yummy confections coming your way! As well as some apparel and other miscellaneous things. =]
There will also be new photos of old products soon, always updating as you all well know!
I am also working on improving my products. For instance switching from plain old eye pins to much sturdier headpins and so on and so forth. It's a bit of a revamp for PPD, but a much needed one in my opinion! The New Year will bring many changes and blessings, and I am looking forward to them, hope you are too! ;)

First Post

So I've finally wandered my way over to Blogspot, like everyone else apparently eventually does. =p Just for my first post, I suppose I'll start with the history of my business. =]

I was born and raised in Southern Louisiana and am French (Cajun French if you please!) and Catholic as well, so from time to time you will see items in my shop that feature the fleur-de-lis. It has great importance to me and my culture, I even chose to have one tattooed on the back of my neck! I have been involved in some form of art since I was about 12 and have not stopped since.

My first jewelry company was Soda Pop Jewelry in late 2007 mainly utilizing bottle caps and friendship style bracelets and necklaces, that morphed over into Polymer Perfection Designs in early 2008 and I launched my first Etsy shop in April of 2008. I was intrigued with all the tiny adorable little food recreations and things I was seeing on art sites on the internet which eventually led me to discover Etsy and to find that they were made from polymer clay. I was amazed to find that these fantastic little sculptures were simply made from clay and immediately went down to my local craft store, purchased some clay, and got to work!

My first real creation was my original design for the "Polymer Pacman Love" necklace which has since become a smaller more dainty version. My second design, and one of my favorites, was my rainbow Nintendo Mushroom bracelet. I've expanded my creation to include many other video game themed items from Pacman and Nintendo to Zelda and Tetris. As a child I loved playing Super Mario Bros, so a majority of my inspiration comes from there. I love to do custom orders and am very much open to working with my customers to come up with something unique and amazing!

I am a married mother of one, proud wife of a Coastie. We're always moving with him being in the military and I love the constant change of scenery! I love what I do, crafting and art are two of my favorite past times, I hope my customers continue to enjoy my unique and original creations!